Year’s End

As this year comes to a close, I have reflected on how I want 2016 to be different.

I’d like to create some consistency in my social media and youtube videos. SmallTalk2015 was a great trial run for every month (I suspended it for the Nov/Dec months due to holidays). I’ll love having more things to share in the new year.

The biggest change, my lovely wife Jacqui and I will finally be living together in February! I’m excited to continue to work on our website and (eventually) our web series and having her help we will be able to put more art out there. = )

Here’s my past few months in a nutshell:

– 3 my UCB 101 performance. I’ll be taking 201 in 2016.
– 22 Back to the Future day. I had a few parties, and it was a great time to reconnect with people I hadn’t seen in a while. Jacqui and I will continue to have parties.
– 31 – SmallTalk2015 Halloween Special.

– 18 Worked on a sketch with Dan Braswell and Co. that will be unveiled in 2016.. It was great to see some old Monkeybutler friends again.
– 20 Jessica Jones release party. Another video party (although I forgot to take a group photo!). I find it super useful to watch shows with other industry friends because it is a great way to reconnect with others and keep current on what’s happening out there.

– 24-31 spent Christmas with my wife and her family in Australia.